This is my web portfolio, which showcases my work experience in PHP, Web Application development and my professional interests to internet and website technologies. Currently I work as a freelancer based on long experiences gathered at Cloudnet360 (former Premium Web Cart) located in Dhaka, Bangladesh as a senior Software Engineer. I got a B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering from Stamford University, Bangladesh in 2006.

My routine works particularly focus on developing websites using PHP and PHP-based frameworks. I am skilled on building powerful web applications within a time-frame of days instead of weeks to months as most common practices.

During my leisure (if any) I keep gardening, natural and dynamic urban life photography, enjoy outdoors, traveling or hanging out with friends. To be honest, during the Covid-19 crisis the roof-top gardening refreshes my love of nature with each crimson sunrise in the early dawn. I love to have fine dining either by applying the known recipe or by continental fusion experiment. Indeed, I am a professional baker. In my entire working career, I learned a lot from the web, books and my fellow developers. 

Anjuman Ahmed
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